Fairmont High School Robotics/The MegaHertz – Team 2847 competed in a field of 55 teams from Minnesota and Wisconsin in the Lake Superior Regional Robotics Competition in Duluth Feb. 28th through March 2nd.
Team 2847 finished qualification rounds on Saturday with a 6-2 record and a rank of 8th among the 55 teams participating. During the alliance selection process, the team moved up to become the team captain for the sixth alliance in play-off rounds choosing Team 930 – The Mukwonago Bears from Mukwonago, WI, and 5914 – The Robotic Warriors from Caledonia, MN, as their alliance partners.
The team lost in their first play-off match, putting them in the lower bracket in the double elimination tournament. The MegaHertz then defeated the number two alliance. In their third play-off match, the Fairmont-led alliance was defeated by the number four alliance to finish in fifth place.
Junior Kaylee Nelson, the team’s Safety Captain, was named the Safety All Star of the tourney for her efforts and expertise in safety rules and procedures.
Head Mentor Sam Viesselman was announced as the tournament’s Woodie Flowers Award winner. Students nominate their mentors for this honor which recognizes effective communication in the art and science of engineering and design.
Team members are Seniors Alex Kastning, Hudson Laven, Ben Moeller, Matthew Malo, Isaac Sheard, Amanda Poetter, Max Poetter, Juniors Sam Grogin, Kaylee Nelson, and Noah Wolner Sophomores Jake Ehlert, Wylee Frederiksen, Emma Jerred, Ainsley Malo, Jacob Murphy, Isaac Stone, and Freshmen Colton Anderson, Clark Hazard, Jacob Kastning, Illy Kelley, Isaac Leiding and Gabby Thoeny.
The team is mentored by Sam Viesselman, Logan Kahler, Robert Malo, Jason Nelson, Chad Moeller, Noah Johnson, Celia Simpson, Bryan Kastning, Sam Cave, Justin Sheard, Aaron Hendricks, and Cindy Viesselman.
The team’s next competition is March 20th-23rd at the University of Northern Iowa campus in Cedar Falls, IA.