It’s Homecoming week at Fairmont High School. Dress up days for the students this week include Music Day on Monday, Bikers vs. Surfers on Tuesday, Wednesday the Seniors dress up as Senior Citizens and Grades 7-11 dress up as their younger selvers, Thursday is Class Color Day,  and Friday is Red and White Day. Coronation of the King And Queen will be Friday at 1:20 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center.

Ironman Volleyball, the Candidate Games, and Powder Puff Football are Thursday night beginning at 7. The Parade will take its traditional route through Downtown Plaza beginning Friday afternoon. Homecoming buttons will be sold by the Student Council before the football game on Friday.

The football game at Mahoney Field kicks off at 7 as the Cardinals host the New Ulm Eagles. If you can’t make it to the game, you can listen to the play-by-play on 106.5 Lakes FM.

To cap off the week, there will be a dance for the students Saturday night in the High School Commons.

King Candidates for the Homecoming royalty are Ty Nawrocki, Levi Pooley, Blaze Geiger, Hudson Laven, Aaron Graplar, and Cole Wiemers. Queen Candidates are Andrea Rojo, Makenna Anderson, Abi Peyman, Grace Pendergast, Ava Terfehr, and Elayna Anderson.