The Martin County Board Tuesday pprove the hire of Taylor McGowan, new Assistant County Attorney for the Martin County Attorney’s Office.
Approved the appointment of Elizabeth Miller to the Martin County EDA Commission to finish term ending December 31, 2021.
Set joint public hearing date and time to Consider the Watonwan River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. Public Hearing is set for Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 10:05 a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room – Martin County Courthouse.
Approved the final contract payment for CSAH 54 Bridge Replacement, Salvage & Grade with Brunz Construction Co. of Madison Lake, MN in the amount of $102,138.31.
Approved Wold Architects and Engineers fee proposal in the amount of $3,500.00 for additional design services to the scope of work for Vehicle Storage Facility improvements.
Approved accepting donation of a Work Zone Camera from Tech Builders, Inc. – Highway Department.
Approved lease agreement for office space being leased by the Department of Corrections at 117 No. Main in Fairmont, MN; and includes a three percent increase in annual rent which equates to $16.39 per square foot.