Approved and certified the Individual Septic Treatment System (ISTS) loans in the amount of $178,271.69 for 2020.

Approve Change Order with Robert W. Carlstrom Co. Inc. in the amount of $5,996.28 for added installation of a floor drain with heavy duty ductile iron grate and frame at the new Garage Storage Facility.

Approve the updated Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance (GBERBA) Joint Powers Agreement.

Approve the hire of Jason Harris as Mechanic for the Martin County Highway Department.

Approve and authorize recruitment to fill a Highway Maintenance Specialist vacancy with the Martin County Highway Department.

Approved Establishing the CY2021 County Commissioner Compensation, Per Diems, and Expenses. There was no increase in Commissioner Salaries for 2021.

Approved and authorized two Martin County CARES Act Small Business Grants.

Received and filed Year to Date County CARES Act Funding Expenditures Report.