Esko 7, Fairmont 4



Fairmont 14, St. James Area 4 (5 innings)



Blue Earth Invitational – Boys Team Scores

1. Fairmont 374.5
2. St. James Area 286
3. Sibley East 267.5
4. Maple River 216.5
5. Blue Earth Area 207
6. United South Central/Alden-Conger 182.5


Girls Team Scores

1. Fairmont 361
2. Sibley East 323
3. St. James Area 256
4. Blue Earth Area 246.5
5. United South Central/Alden-Conger 205.5
6. Maple River 175



Section 2A Tournament

Team sweepstakes results
1 Fairmont 158
2 Loyola 76
3 St. Clair 72
4 Waterville-Elysian-Morristown (WEM) 38
4 Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton (JWP) 38
6 Martin County West 34
6 Waseca 34
Advancing to STATE:
Senior Abi Peyman was the Champion in Great Speeches, Junior Dominick Lund-May was the Champion in Extemporaneous Speaking, Juniors Grace Simpson and Oliver Thedens were the Champions in Duo Interpretation, Junior Kelsey Hunter was the Champion in Informative Speaking, Junior Zoey Tasseff was the Champion in Creative Expression, Sophomore Bel Lutterman was the Champion in Original Oratory, and Freshman Leon Yang was the Champion in Humorous Interpretation.