On October 9, the Minnesota Department
of Employment and Economic Development’s (DEED) Office of Broadband
Development announced Federated Rural Electric & Broadband as one of 26 recipients
for Grant Round 10. Federated was awarded an $8 million Lower Population Density
grant to establish a Fiber to the Premise (FTTP) Network in portions of rural Martin

“We are ecstatic for the opportunity to continue building out a fiber optic network to
serve our members in Martin County,” stated Scott Reimer, Federated’s general
manager. “It is an incredible honor to receive this second broadband development grant
from the state of Minnesota. It proves a commitment not only from Federated, but also
the state to improve internet access and help bridge the digital divide for rural
Minnesotans, like our members.”

The grant includes the townships of Lake Belt, Tenhassen, Rolling Green Manyaska,
Nashville, and Westford. The project involves 457 households, businesses and farms,
including 431 unserved and 26 underserved addresses based on state speed goals.
The project’s total cost is estimated at $10.6 million with Martin County, Lake Belt and
Rolling Green Townships partnering and contributing $800,000. Federated will secure
long-term loans for the remaining balance, similar to what is done for financing the
electric distribution line system.

“The service we will be able to provide to more of our members through this grant will
help improve quality of life in our rural landscape,” Reimer added. “Fiber optic opens
wider doors for telehealth, distance learning, improved entertainment opportunities and
better access to financial management. This grant provides a two-year time frame for
project completion and we will be working with Finley Engineering for this project as we
have for our Jackson County grant.”

The State of Minnesota announced grants totaling $51.9 million across 26 projects in
the Round 10 Grant. This includes 18 Border-to-Border grants and eight Low-Density grants. Federated’s grant is funded under the Low-Density program
