The Fairmont City Council Monday held a public hearing about proposed changes to Fairmont’s rental ordinance, local landlords delivered the same message to the Fairmont City Council on Monday: The existing ordinance is enough, but it needs to be enforced.
After hearing the concerns, the council decided to hold a meeting with landlords and city staff before taking any further action.
The proposed changes to the 2014 ordinance include reducing the licensing and inspection terms from three years to two, mandating that landlords run criminal background checks on all tenants and providing proof of an existing garbage contract for all units.
Councilman Randy Lubenow, who campaigned on cleaning up rental properties, agreed there is an enforcement problem. He singled out 520 Blue Earth Ave. as an example, saying it “turned into a garbage yard.” He said he met with Police Chief Mike Hunter, City Administrator Mike Humpal and Hawkins and asked how to stop such situations from happening.
In other news the council heard presentation on the 2020 Lake Avenue project and the new public works facility. The June 2019 investment report was released with total interest during the period being $251,959. The council approved permits for a benefit softball tournament, August 3 through August 4th, the annual “Support the Troops” tractor cade coning through Fairmont on August 17 and the 13th Annual Cedar Creek Open disc golf tournament August 9-11th. Bids for the airport T-Hangar project were tablulated and Everstrong Construction of Redwood Falls was the low bidder at $902,166. A request to sign a letter of support for the Lakeview Methodist Health Care Center state of the art 72 resident nursing home to the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities application for funding was approved.