Martin County Commissioners approved a motion Tuesday to authorize recruitment to fill the jail administrator position for the county, in the wake of the resignation of former jail administrator Mark Geerdes.
At a previous meeting, the board approved a motion authorizing the chairperson to sign a grievance settlement agreement with Law Enforcement Labors Services Inc., accepting Geerdes’ resignation. The union had already signed the agreement, which states that Geerdes’ resignation was effective April 2; that the union will withdraw the grievance; and that Geerdes will receive payment of his earned personal time off and a portion of sick leave, per the union contract.
Sheriff Jeff Markquart said the role is currently being filled by assistant jail administrator Tanya Skow.
The board also approved a tuck-pointing bid for the courthouse dome restoration project. The bid was awarded to Restoration Services Inc. of Faribault, which provided the lowest bid at $232,580. The bid includes a final completion date of July 10, 2020.
Approved a 3 percent increase in the rate for county office space leased to the Fairmont Police Department, which will result in an annual increase from $51,036 to $52,518.
Approved a 3 percent increase in the lease amount for Faribault/Martin County Human Services, which will result in an annual increase from $194,839 to $200,626.
Approve and authorize allocation to the City of Ceylon to aid in costs associated with the demolition of dilapidated houses located at 405 W. Main Street and 411 W. Main Street in Ceylon, Minnesota.
Approve and authorize Letter of Understanding of Services Agreement for audit services by the State of Minnesota Office of the State auditor for the year ending December 31, 2018.
Approve and authorize the hire of Leigha Hauglid, Human Resources Manager, effective July 17, 2019.
Approve the hire of Jim Plumhoff for the Maintenance Worker Position effective on or around August 4, 2019 – Highway Department.
Approve and designate use of the small conference room next to the breakroom as a Mother’s Room/Wellness Room for county employee use.
Receive and file the CY2020 Budget Allocation Request from the South Central Volunteer Dive Team.