The Fairmont Area School Board Tuesday heard from Tyler Garrison, buildings and grounds director, who went over lead in water testing results. Minnesota schools are required to do a lead in water test every five years. Garrison said they collected 92 water samples district-wide, with 53 at the high school and 39 at the elementary school. He said eight fixtures came back higher than they were five years ago. Those fixtures were replaced before the new school year.
The Board tabled action on a new housing construction agreement to abate property taxes for 10 years for new construction of rental housing in Fairmont to get clarification on language.
The board approved a public hearing on the proposed CHS tax abatement. The hearing will take place 5 p.m. Sept. 10, prior to the next school board meeting.
The board approved hirings for the 2019-20 school year of:
Elizabeth Arens as head cheerleading coach.
Voni Eakins as a kindergarten teacher.
Forrest Hungerholt as a custodian at Fairmont Elementary School
The board also approved the retirement of Kurt Schlomann, effective Dec. 1. He has been with the district’s maintenance department since 1985.
The board accepted donations of :
$10,000 from the Martin County Area Foundation to the high school ProStart culinary program.
$1,000 from the girl’s basketball association to the gym floor refinish project at Fairmont Elementary School.
$13,000 from the boy’s basketball association to projects in Fairmont Elementary School’s gym.
$100 from Jerry Brooks donated to the high school aviation program in memory of Gordy Johnson.