The Fairmont City Council heard from Elroy “Ernie” Nuss on Monday, as he presented a petition regarding the proposed $24.7 million community center. Nuss said he was approached by several people in the Fairmont business community asking him to write a letter regarding the community center possibly competing with private industry by including a fitness center. Nuss received 79 signatures from leaders of retailers, manufacturers and service firms, all questioning the legality of using the proceeds of Fairmont’s half-cent local option sales tax to compete with established, existing businesses locally. Several large employers suggested that daycare and housing, and not a community center, was a primary issue limiting new employers in Fairmont, according to Nuss..

In action concerning the proposed community center, the council decided to continue to delay a vote on whether the city will commit $14 million to construction of it.. The council originally delayed the vote in September for 60 days in anticipation of a public meeting. That public forum has been scheduled for Wed. Dec. 5th at the Fairmont Opera House. The motion to delay the vote was approved 4-1, with council member Wayne Hasek voting against.

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