Martin County commissioners on Tuesday heard from Emergency Management Coordinator Abigail Nesbit, who presented a proposal to change wording regarding the county’s warning sirens.

Previously known as tornado sirens, they will now be referred to as outdoor warning sirens.

“What I’m looking for is a change of language. I’m looking to change them to ‘outdoor warning sirens’ so that during a tornado warning and a windstorm of 70 mph or more we can set off a siren. I believe that siren should have been set off for the wind storm in September last year, and I’ve had a few law enforcement people who have come to me and asked me to help change this language.”said Nesbit.

Nesbit said she already had spoken to communications dispatch director and Sheriff Jeff Markquart, who agreed with the change.

The board approved the motion.

Commissioners also approved and filed the 2017 audit report as presented.

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